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Wellness in Nature

We have been delivering the Wellness in Nature project (Funded by Calderdale Cares Partnership) over the past year, we have been working in partnership with many different organisations, groups and services in Calderdale.

One of the services we have been working in partnership with is Invictus Wellbeing

We had a lovely session the other day......

We experimented with offering specially made mint tea to the ponies made with mint from our very own herb garden. Our learner helped pour the tea into a bucket (we do like our cups and saucers but didnt have one big enough!)

We then had a go at apple bobbing, we all had the opportunity to make a guess at how Hilda would manage to bob and grab the apple.....Would she snorkel and push it to the bottom of the bucket? Would she do the hippo and go in mouth wide open.....Would she pin the apple on the side of the bucket?

She surprised us all and flicked the apple out and then kicked the bucket over and tipped out all of the water to munch on the remaining apple.

Next we moved onto an arts and craft activity our learer was given the opportunity to make a keyring to take home using pressed wild flowers or pictures.

To finish with we looked at our pony reflection sheet and we picked a pony which was most like us in that very moment.

These sessions have enabled the learner to grow in confidence, regulate emotions, improve physical and mental health, learn new skills and build healthy relationships.



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