We are having lots of fun on Sundays during the Hooves and Nature sessions.
This week the learners did some 'free' grooming of the ponies. Free grooming allows the ponies to move around this gives the learners the opportunity to observe pony behaviour and anticipate what the pony might do next while keeping themselves safe.
We had discussions about behaviours such as dominance and who might move who within the herd. What are the different signs to look out for which might indicate a pony is un happy, annoyed, frustrated or in pain.
Learning how to read horse body language and behaviour is a great way for learners to equip themselves with the knowledge to keep themselves safe and to understand why the horse is doing certain things or demonstrating certain characteristics. Studying horse behaviour helps develop overall horsemanship skills build confidence and build relationships.
The learners had a go at haltering using a rope halter and took the ponies for a walk.
We visited Spud and his mate Skipper the pygmy goats. The learners foraged some willow for them and took them for a walk...( I should really say the goats took the learners for a walk.)
