What a beautiful way to start the day, observing and listening to these two beauties while mucking out. They have built a nest in the shelter and were darting in and out swooping over my head. They patiently waited for me to come out with the wheelbarrow and let me get quite close to them...
Its not only the ponies that keep us entertained daily its the abundance of wildlife, just this morning while poo picking I was greeted by a male pheasant, baby bunnies bouncing down the field, a thrush and lots of humming bees in the blossom. I saw the little wren going through the gap into the workshop where she has built a nest in the tool box. (not a great photo but I didn't want to disturb the them for too long..notice the horse hair in the nest!)
Its not only busy through the day at Willows Nook We camped out in the field the other night and the owls were Twit twooo'ing and the bats were in abundance we also heard the odd whinny from Hilda to her friend. It was so peaceful just being in the moment, listening. The benefit of this time of year and the cooler weather is we haven't had too many midges and horse flies yet.....won't be long!!!
