The weather has definitely changed over the past couple of weeks this brings some challenges when working outside with animals, however the weather doesn't stop our Hooves and Nature learners on a Saturday morning. Even though the rain was pouring and the wind was howling we got to see a rainbow over the valley.

Some of the activities we have done over the past two sessions......
Apple bobbing with the ponies
Learned about the subtle signs which tell us how a horse is feeling or why they are behaving in a certain way. This helps learners keep safe and develops their overall horsemanship knowledge. It also helps them think about emotions and how they feel in that moment.
Discussions about being in the moment and how the animals live in the moment.
Learned about haltering using a rope halter and leading using
our energy and having boundaries to keep safe. Tying quick release knots.
The learners have had an introduction to the goats Spud and Skipper, we showed them their new enclosure.....The goats were spooked by the cars going past (they will become habituated to this over time.)
The learners were happy to have a new outdoor shelter to stand in with the ponies while they groomed and did a horsey Fact quiz.
Observation of goat and horse behaviour when being fed...who moves who and how. Who is the most dominant?

We still have some spaces left on our last two sessions before half term if anyone is interested and would like to join us on a Saturday morning. Please contact via email to book a place.